Genesis Pools

What are Genesis Pools?

Hover Genesis Pools are initial staking pools designed to reward early depositors before the protocol’s full launch.

By depositing into the Hover Genesis Pools, users are given the opportunity for boosted APY throughout the Genesis Pool period. The available pools are KAVA, ATOM, and USDt. Hover Genesis Pools will be open for deposits from November 21st until the full protocol launch in Q1 2024, allowing depositors to supply their lending receipt tokens (hTokens) during that period. After this initial period, the pools will close to deposits and will be withdrawal-only.

Depositors have the option to remain in the pool for the duration of the Genesis Pool period, beginning the day the pools open, and will receive a protected yield during that period. As depositors withdraw, the token yield will be divided amongst the users remaining in the pool.

A total of 3% of Hover's token supply has been allocated for this Genesis Pool event. These will be distributed among the Genesis Pool depositors, proportional to their deposit amounts. The more you deposit into the Hover Genesis Pools, the greater your yield.

Genesis Pool yield will be given in esHOV and will be available to claim after TGE.

Last updated